Drupal Mountain Camp 2024

Preston So

Preston So (he/they) is a senior product, developer relations, and engineering leader with 20 years in software and 8 years of experience leading product, design, developer relations, and engineering functions at organizations like Oracle, Acquia, Time Inc., and Gatsby. He is the author of Immersive Content and Usability (A Book Apart, 2023), Gatsby: The Definitive Guide (O'Reilly, 2021), Voice Content and Usability (A Book Apart, 2021), and Decoupled Drupal in Practice (Apress, 2018).

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Universal CMS and the end of "pure" headless
Preston So

The evolution of content management systems (CMS) has seen a shift from monolithic and hybrid-headless architectures to a new approach known as the universal CMS. In this talk, we'll look at the recent history of the headless CMS as a concept, how the headless CMS is no longer truly as "headless" as it seems, and why we need a new name for the emerging category of CMS that treats all presentation layers as first-class citizens, at the expense of no single persona.
