Drupal Mountain Camp 2024

WORKSHOP: Ask your Drupal site questions and get proper answers.
03-07, 13:00–14:50 (Europe/Zurich), Pischa

We'll install and configure the required modules and configure the required keys to index your site into a vector Database.
Then we'll ask content questions and get answers from Drupal.

Workshop Content:
We'll install and configure the required modules and configure the required keys to index your site into a vector Database. We'll use pinecone and embeddings form openai.
Then we'll ask content questions and get answers from Drupal.

We can do this with GITPOD so you need nothing except a browser and a proper keyboard.
Its better if you have a working Drupal and can handle composer.

Creator of momentum, passionate about the Digital Enterprise, technology and sports.
Active in web since frame based web design.

Check my speaker history: https://sessionize.com/wouters_f/