Drupal Mountain Camp 2024

Unlocking Advanced Drupal Content Creation with Paragraphs
03-09, 10:40–11:30 (Europe/Zurich), Jakobshorn

Dive into Drupal's Paragraphs module advancements. Review new documentation of Paragraphs on drupal.org, crafted for this session. The advanced demonstration covers real-world content, Paragraph types, plugins, theming, and translation. Building on the previous session, explore Paragraphs setup, custom styles, Drupal 10 compatibility, and the latest features. Elevate your content creation with new Paragraphs!

Explore the power of Drupal's Paragraphs module and take your content creation to new heights with the latest enhancements and features. This session is continuation of my previous 'The Depths of Paragraphs Session' but it will focus on two major new goals to provide an enriched learning experience.

Improving Drupal.org Documentation for Paragraphs

By popular request from Drupal Dev Days Vienna 2023, in preparation for this session, we will work on:

Comprehensive Feature Documentation: Dive into an improved Drupal.org documentation section dedicated to Paragraphs, covering every nuance of the module's new features and functionalities.

Enhanced Modules Page Description: Elevate your understanding with a revamped modules page description, ensuring clarity on how Paragraphs can elevate your content strategy.

Advanced Demonstration

Experience an in-depth demonstration that goes beyond the basics and showcases the full potential of Paragraphs.

  1. Real-World Example Content: Explore a curated set of real-world content examples to understand how Paragraphs can be leveraged for diverse projects.
  2. Showcasing Paragraph Types: Witness a comprehensive demonstration of all available Paragraph types, understanding their unique applications.
  3. Exploring Paragraph Plugins: Uncover the versatility of Paragraphs with a detailed showcase of various plugins, including style and layout plugins.
  4. Theming Demystified: Learn the tips and tricks of theming with Paragraphs – from basic customization to more advanced use cases.
  5. Translation Made Easy: Explore the seamless integration of translation features within Paragraphs, making your content multilingual effortlessly.

Continuation from Previous Session

Building upon the foundation laid in the previous session, we will touch on:

  • Setting up Paragraphs with styles and layouts
  • Developing custom paragraph styles and layouts
  • Compatibility with Drupal 10 and the Claro admin theme
  • Review latest features

Note: To accommodate the 50-minute session duration, content from the previous session will be condensed, but key insights will still be shared.


Join us for an immersive session that not only uncovers the advanced capabilities of Paragraphs but also equips you with the knowledge to contribute with improved documentation on Drupal.org. Elevate your Drupal content creation journey with new Paragraphs!

See also: Unlocking Advanced Drupal Content Creation with Paragraphs - DMC24 - 20240309 (4.6 MB)

As a seasoned Drupal developer, I dabble in both frontend and backend wonders. Juggling contributions and maintenance for various Drupal modules keeps me on my toes. Beyond Drupal, I'm captivated by all things web development, especially in the realms of component-oriented design and crafting user-friendly websites. You might catch me exploring UI/UX trends. And hey, I've got a soft spot for the intriguing world of machine learning—always interested, always learning. Alongside the tech adventures, I navigate project and team management waters and harbor a side interest in product and business development.