Drupal Mountain Camp 2025

Mikko Hämäläinen

Mikko loves dogs, technology and agile development. He has worked 20 years with content management systems, has a tech background but currently focuses in business development.

He is the CEO of a Finnish Drupal company Druid ltd and tries his best to be an active member in the Drupal community.

He spends his free time with his family and dogs doing outdoorsy stuff, doing small software development projects and studying.

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Workshop | Nine Whys of Drupal
Mikko Hämäläinen

Some of you might have heard of Nine Whys from Liberating Structures – and many of you probably haven't. It's an effective workshopping method for finding the motivation behind something you and your team do.

It also goes two Whys deeper than 5 Whys method used to find root causes for issues :)

Processes & Tools