Drupal Mountain Camp 2025

The Quest for Modern Frontend Tooling in Drupal (without decoupling)
2025-03-13 , Pischa

"They must be a better way to develop themes in Drupal." Every modern frontend developer that need to theme Drupal applications face this same frustration. By now, we are used to the amazing tooling available in the JS ecosystem: vite, components, hot module reload, tailwind, storybook, ... What happen when decoupling isn't an option ? There is a solution ... ish.

In this talk/follow along session, we will see:
1. How you can "decouple" the theme development using Vite with HMR, Single Directory Components, TailwindCSS and Storybook
2. What are the advantages
3. What are the caveats
4. Why there's hope for the future (DXB, JSX)

Original idea:
- https://www.previousnext.com.au/blog/drupal-front-end-nirvana-vite-twig-and-storybook

Multi-lingual Web developer and jack of all trades that likes to act as a bridge between specialties/cultures and solving problems.
Currently working at interpunkt in Switzerland