Drupal Mountain Camp 2024

Jutta Horstmann

Entrepreneur, founder, visionary leader - Jutta scales organizations, drives change, nurtures culture. She is a passionate feminist, sustainability and free / Open Source software (FOSS) advocate.
After leading eyeo - best-known for their flagship product Adblock Plus - for 5 years as their COO and CTO, she now acts as interim CEO for Mailvelope, provider of an Open Source browser-based solution for user-friendly email encryption.
Before eyeo, she founded and led her own company Data in Transit, a well-established agency for Drupal-based online solutions, as CEO and Managing Director for 10 years.
Jutta is also a frequent speaker at conferences and events.

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Running the internet, under-funded and under-staffed? How to achieve a sustainable open source ecosystem
Jutta Horstmann

Open Source technologies build the foundation of the free and open internet, but many are developed by only a single maintainer or a very small community.
Despite the critical role these tools play in the internet ecosystem, they are perpetually under-funded and under-supported.
The similarity to other “system relevant” professions is striking: The more we need them to keep the system running, the less we are willing to appreciate and sufficiently fund them.
My keynote will discuss these issues as well as showcase funding solutions and business models to achieve economic sustainability for Free / Open Source projects.
