Drupal Mountain Camp 2024

Fabian Franz

Fabian is passionate about all things Drupal and High Performance. Having brought Twig into core in 2011 and helped revamp the Caching System and totally revolutionize Performance in Drupal, he is now focusing on making Decoupled Drupal as EASY AS POSSIBLE!

He also has a heart for site builders and themers and wants to EMPOWER them to CREATE A FULL DRUPAL SITE without any coding skills.

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EasySSR: The most simple way to use (p)react + Drupal for SSR, that no one talks about
Fabian Franz

Decoupled applications are written quickly, but to then get SSR you need a diploma for Next.js or other frameworks. But there is a better way:

With just a normal client side (p)react application, you will learn how to EASILY add SSR: With almost no code changes needed!

This makes it easier, faster and more scalable to develop Decoupled Drupal sites, which keep the power of Drupal intact.

Decoupled done the Drupal way!

Innovation & Beyond Drupal